Coordinating Institutions

The agri benchmark Network is jointly operated by the Thünen Institute of Farm Economics (Braunschweig, Germany) and global networks gUG (Braunschweig, Germany).

Thünen Institute

The Thünen Institute is a German, scientifically independent research institute under the auspices of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

Within agri benchmark, the Thünen Institute of Farm Economics is responsible for the scientific cooperation, training, data management, method development, topic setting, publications and acquisitions.

Website of Opens external link in new windowThünen Institute

global networks

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In 2016 global networks, a non-profit, limited company was established owned by strategic partners of agri benchmark.  global networks takes the position as managing partner within the various branches of the agri benchmark network. 

global networks is legally bound to support science and research purposes. Besides the engagement to support and expand agri benchmark, global networks may award scholarships for young scientists, work on own data collection and analysis in agricultural production systems and provide customized information among scientists and other interested parties. 

For more information please contact:

Opens window for sending emailYelto Zimmer


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